By now the story of 'Sleeping Beauty' is known by just about anyone who ever had a fairy tale read to them as a child. Based on the first section of Charles Perrault's short story "La Belle au Bois Dormant" (published as part of Perrault's 1697 book "The Tales of My Mother Goose"), it's only fair to Disney to say the source material is slim at best. Culled from a mere four paragraphs from Perrault, the tale is quite straightforward and simplistic. Running a scant 75 minutes, the film oddly short-thrifts its main human characters (who are generic at best). The villain, Maleficent, energizes the film, and even the animal characters seem more, well, animated. The real beauty of 'Beauty,' then, is in the details -- it's supporting characters, its wondrous visual acumen, its memorable songs and its beautifully-rendered animation.
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