Just activate the plugin and your users will experience a dark mode version of your website as per their preferred operating system preference. This is the easiest and most convenient dark mode plugin for WordPress on the market.
[TRENDING] Go Night Dark Mode Night Mode WordPress Plugin
Works across all operating systems including Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS. No additional setups are required. This dark mode plugin intelligently detects device preferences and dynamically delivers a handcrafted, expert-designed dark mode experience for your readers.
Just activate dark mode on your device, and browse the website to experience a magically transformed dark mode of your website.WP Dark Mode supports all major operating systems including iOS, Android, macOS, or Windows 10. WordPress dark mode is now super easy!
For some time now, operating systems and applications have included versions of their graphic interfaces in which white backgrounds are replaced by black backgrounds to reduce the emission of light during the night hours and thus damage less your eyes. This is known as night mode.
Whether by fashion or because it really works, night mode is increasingly popular. There are those who ensure that night modes have benefits for the environment since black screens use less energy than white ones. But there are also detractors of this kind of dark modes.
WordPress does not yet include a night mode in the its by default, but there are options to add night mode on both the WordPress Dashboard and the frontend. As usual, plugins are the solution to extend WordPress with this curious visual functionality.
The good thing about this plugin is that it is each user who chooses how they want to see the WordPress Dashboard, in dark mode or in normal mode. In this way, if there is someone who wants to continue using the WordPress Dashboard as always, with white backgrounds, then there is no problem in doing so.
In the previous screenshot you can see the result of enabling the dark mode. And it looks great! I really liked the result of having the black background color also in the central part of the page and not only in the side menu.
Once installed, you will not see anything in Settings or any additional menu. What you have to do is go to the Appearance menu and there to edit your menus. In your main menu you have to add a custom link without any particular URL. This new menu item will help us to add the switch to activate and deactivate the night mode.
The WordPress customizer will open and there you will find the Night Mode option. If you select it, you will see that you have the options to activate the night mode by default and to create several styles. In each style you define the background color, the color of the text, and the color of the links.
Keep in mind that what the plugin really does is to apply the CSS class wp-night-mode-on in the body tag of your website. Therefore, if you want to fix the background of an HTML element and make it dark, all you you have to do is find a selector for that element and apply the fix when the body tag has the wp-night-mode-on class.
Your explanation is: Therefore, if you want to fix the background of an HTML element and make it dark, all you you have to do is find a selector for that element and apply the fix when the body tag has the wp-night-mode-on class.
The easiest way to create a dark mode for your website is by using Droit Dark Mode. This plugin adds a toggle so visitors can enable dark mode on the front end of your site. It can even add a toggle to the admin area, so you can enable dark mode for the WordPress dashboard.
Upon activation, go to Droit Dark Mode Preset Colors and choose how your dark mode will look to visitors. The free version of the plugin comes with two preset colors, so select the color that you want to use.
We hope this article helped you learn how to add dark mode to your WordPress website. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a landing page in WordPress, or see our expert pick of the must have WordPress plugins.
If you often work on your WordPress website late at night, then the bright light from a computer screen can cause eye strain. Many apps, websites, and even operating systems come with a dark mode color scheme as an alternative.
Tip: If your site has multiple WordPress users, then each person can toggle dark mode on and off as they prefer. Their choice will be remembered the next time they log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.
Thank you guys. It helped me to get desired dashboard dark theme. But I need the default editor background in dark theme too. It there any single plugin which can change the dashboard and editor background to dark mode?
In addition, this plugin offers many robust features like a floating switch button. Also, using his feature, you can display a dark mode floating switch button in the footer of your website. It also has default mode, where you can make dark mode the default mode of the website.
Droit Dark Mode WordPress plugin is a great way to create a stunning dark version of your website. This plugin allows you to enable and disable the dark mode option from the dashboard. Therefore, you can easily turn your website into dark mode without using any code.
Moreover, this plugin comes with tons of features, for instance, image brightness. This feature allows you to increase or decrease the brightness of images on your website. This plugin also allows you to enable or disable night mode and set different color palettes on each page.
In addition, WP Adminify comes with features, such as can select the dark mode on specific types of operating systems. For example, you can set the website to go to dark mode if the OS is in dark mode. Also, you can customize the logo for dark and light modes.
Night Mode Karen Lite is another lightweight plugin to enable dark mode in your WordPress website. It has an intuitive dashboard that makes its use easy and smooth. Also, you can schedule the active hours of the plugin on your website.
Catch Dark Mode is another popular and freemium dark mode plugin for WordPress websites. You can make your website look beautiful using this plugin. Also, you can create an eye-catching dark mode for your website.
Fortunately, adding dark mode to your WordPress site is a relatively simple process. Not only can you adjust how your website appears to users, but you can also change the admin dashboard to a dark theme to give your own eyes a break.
Before we get started, we do want to note a minor yet technical difference between dark mode and night mode. Dark mode involves switching the User Interface (UI) background to a darker hue, whereas night mode consists of changing the color emitted from the screen.
You might also want to make dark mode the default setting for your website. You can toggle this on from the settings menu and see how you like it. Note that visitors will still be able to turn off dark mode using the switcher button.
Next, in General Settings, you can toggle on the Show Floating Switch option. Doing so will place a button on the front end of your website, so that users can turn dark mode on or off as they prefer.
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